☣ Terrorists Rules ☣

Under review until further notice.

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Joined: December 2, 2015, 5:08 pm

Post by Terrorist » November 17, 2015, 10:19 am


(A) General Rules & Codes

  • All the server and group rules are to be followed when you're playing in-skin, breaking any of the rules can lead to punishment.

  • You are suppose to speak only English in the Terrorist Camp Channel on our Discord server. Anyone violating this rule will be punished accordingly.

  • Do not use commands that can hurt / harm your group members (Ex: /rob /rape /kidnap). If they allow you then it's not punishable.

  • You can rob your group member in a middle of a cop hunt in order to get wanted only. However the amount of money that you will rob shall be returned to him/her.

  • You are allowed to rape your group members in the middle of a cop hunt or to start a cop hunt just to get wanted only. However try your best not infect your group members which means avoid raping when you are playing as a Rapist.

  • You are not allowed go AFK at the base, which means exterior/car-parking. You may get AFK inside the interior of the base. In emergency situations you can go AFK for 5 minutes.

  • You are not allowed to take hit contracts placed on your own group member. You are also not allowed to place a hit contract on your group member when you're in skin. If they are okay with it then you may.

  • You must follow all the orders given by a Leader or Commander without questioning them. However you can ignore their commands if the order you something which is against the server rules.

  • If your group member requests a backup then you should try to help him. However it is not necessary because in some situations you can't really help.

  • You are not allowed to argue or fight with your group members, if you have a problem between yourselves then the best is to ignore each other and if one of them still provokes the other then you can report it to the Leader or staff member.

  • Leaving the group within 7 days after joining will lead you to a permanent blacklist.

  • You are not allowed to hit a player randomly. If a player comes inside the base and doesn’t leave the base within the time given, then you may place a hit contract on him.

  • You are not allowed to ask for promotions. Asking for promotions will lead you to a demotion and you might get kicked from the group if you continue. However you are only allowed to ask for a promotion when you think you deserved it and still didn't get promoted.

  • You are not allowed to car-jack your members from the group vehicles. If they're already using it and you are willing to drive it, then ask them - if the deny, then let it be.

  • The maximum time you can go inactive, by posting a inactivity post is 3 months.

Code: Car Cop Hunt

When a senior member writes this code word in /gm (group message) this means that all the members who are already playing in skin are supposed to do following things.
1: Spawn as a Mechanic.
2: Take 150 Grams of drug and a drug bag from the Drug depot.
3: Take the following things from Terrorists’ Item stock (Wallet, Cork, 6 Shock guns, Cuff Picks, Screw-driver and Razor).
4: Take Guns and sit in the car as passenger. If there is no seat available inside the car to sit, then you may climb on the roof of the car.

Code: Roof Cop Hunt

When a senior member writes this code word in /gm (group message) this means that all the members who are already playing in skin are supposed to do following things.

1: Spawn as a Drug Dealer and take Drug bag from the Drug Depot. Don’t take additional drugs because you will be spawned with 500 grams of drugs as a drug dealer.

2: Take the following things from Terrorists’ Item stock (Wallet, Cork, 6 Shock guns, Cuff Picks, Screw-driver and Razor).

3: Take guns and go with the leading member wherever he leads you to. Make sure he takes you some roof where you can cop hunt.

Code Word: BM Cop-Hunt

When a senior member writes this code word in /gm (group message) this means that all the members who are already playing in skin are supposed to do following things.

1: Spawn as a Mechanic.
2: Take 150 Grams of drug and a drug bag from the Drug depot.
3: Take the following things from Terrorists’ Item stock (Wallet, Cork, 6 Shock guns, Cuff Picks, Screw-driver and Razor).
4: Take Guns and sit in the car as passenger. If there is no seat available inside the car to sit, then you may climb on the roof of the car.
5: Go to the Black Market and buy the following things from there (Tazereflector, Swat Bomb Jammer, Extra Shock guns, Extra cuff picks). Make sure you withdraw money before from nearby ATM before you go to Black Market.

Code Word: Break Alca

When a senior member writes this code word in /gm (group message) this means that all the members who are already playing in skin are supposed to do following things.

1: Since you guys will always have a screw driver. You just need to go to the LSA Checkpoint and write /flyalca it will cost 2000$.

2: When you will land in Alcatraz Island. Enter the interior and then come out in order to get a vehicle.

3: The first one who arrives has to get a vehicle in advance and the other one who arrives after him will have to break Alcatraz prison, by bribing the security guard 10,000$.

Purpose of code words: Code words were introduced in this group to make things easy for the person who wants to lead the cop hunt. With the help of code words the person can guide the members what he wants them to do and in less time. With a single word you can explain which type of cop hunt he wants to lead and what things are needed for it.

(B) Voting Rules:

  • You can start voting on applications as soon as you get accepted in the group.

  • Every member is supposed to vote on applications. Members who will not vote on the applications will get an official warning. Members who have informed about their inactivity with a inactivity check statement are excluded from this rule.

  • You have to use these - Positive - Negative and Neutral while voting on any application.

  • You are supposed to give a proper and logical reason while voting on the application.

  • Members who have been inactive for 15 days or more are not allowed to vote on applications.

(C) Application rules:

  • You have to apply with the proper format given.

  • If you are denied, You must wait until the date given to you for applying.

  • Your reason must be of 4 Lines or more.

  • You must not post on your own application, If you want to thank someone for giving you a vote - PM the member.

  • Don’t spam your application if it’s being handled late.

Note: This group is made for having fun and play peacefully with other members, If you don't comply to these rules - It will lead to a warning/demotion/kick/blacklist as per needed. 3 warnings results a kick from the group.
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