Reporting: [Lsrcr]Lander

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Post by e.e » February 12, 2022, 2:20 pm
Reported Member: [Lsrcr]Lander
Reason: "Rule #22
You are not allowed at all to engage any suspect that was engaged from Army or any other LEO first (cops included), unless you have a valid permission from Army member/cop to do so."
Other: Could have been easily dealed ingame if he apologized, didn't do so and claimed it was his suspect. As you can see in the beginning also on radar, he was busy with another suspect, also when i entered LSA he was still shooting this suspect. Claimed afterwards the guy on roof would've been his and "he shot him first". I've dealt all damage till he was 30hp and then he just took him.


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Post by ImLander009 » February 12, 2022, 10:59 pm
Well, i'll make it clear for you here since you chose to report above accepting that you were mistaken.
When i and grand reached lsa we found only one suspect that was on the roof so i started sniping him but when he had low hp, he hid (at the position i was shooting from) and at the same time he was hiding i saw the other suspect right next to me and it looked like he wanted to die, i killed him and got back to kill the suspect we came for in the first place when there was none else but him.
I tried to explain this to you but you didn't want to accept that you were wrong
Even the video which you posted above shows that we were in LSA already and you came late and began shooting at him thinking that we had only one suspect who was [Lsrcr]Mahmoud but you got it wrongly.
We could've solved it easily if you just accepted that you were wrong instead of waiting for me to apologize for something i didn't do.
I'd like to advise you to think twice or even more especially when you are in a position that you're not sure of yourself.


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Post by e.e » February 13, 2022, 10:24 am
ImLander009 wrote :
When i and grand reached lsa we found only one suspect that was on the roof so i started sniping him but when he had low hp, he hid (at the position i was shooting from) and at the same time he was hiding i saw the other suspect right next to me and it looked like he wanted to die, i killed him and got back to kill the suspect we came for in the first place when there was none else but him.

Okay, 1 simple question then: If you shot him low, why is his armor full before I've made the first shot? And dont tell me now he refilled his armor, you said "at the same time he was hiding, i saw the other suspect right next to me", so he couldn't have the time to refill his armor.

ImLander009 wrote :
Even the video which you posted above shows that we were in LSA already and you came late and began shooting at him thinking that we had only one suspect who was [Lsrcr]Mahmoud but you got it wrongly.

Just because you're in LSA doesn't mean you own every suspect there, thats the mistake. You can't focus on 2 suspects at once, you chose to take the one on the right and thats it. I engaged the other one and you clearly stole it.


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Post by e.e » February 13, 2022, 11:40 am
ImLander009 wrote :
When i and grand reached lsa we found only one suspect that was on the roof so i started sniping him but when he had low hp, he hid (at the position i was shooting from) and at the same time he was hiding i saw the other suspect right next to me and it looked like he wanted to die, i killed him and got back to kill the suspect we came for in the first place when there was none else but him.
I tried to explain this to you but you didn't want to accept that you were wrong
Even the video which you posted above shows that we were in LSA already and you came late and began shooting at him thinking that we had only one suspect who was [Lsrcr]Mahmoud but you got it wrongly.

Just to proof the point even further that you're lying, ima show you what happened before.
You both were coming from Idlewood/El Corona, you can see it on the radar, just watch closely. Yes, you came for the suspect I killed, thats right. But fact is, you never engaged him. The moment you arrived at LSA, [Lsrcr]Mahmoud got wanted, its the exact same moment. Just watch the radar from 0:00 - 0:05, so lets say you got into LSA at 0:04 at best, the suspect you came for was already wanted for around good ~10 seconds. (He got wanted at 14:40:39 in my timestamp, Mahmoud got wanted at 14:40:51). But we also need to take account that he got wanted in a police chopper, which means he even needed to fly all the way up to the other roof, that takes some time too. Therefore, you could never snipe him low/have a fight with him. So explain me this, you arrive at the same time LSA where Mahmoud gets wanted, but you claim:
we found only one suspect that was on the roof so i started sniping him but when he had low hp, he hid (at the position i was shooting from) and at the same time he was hiding i saw the other suspect right next to me and it looked like he wanted to die


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Post by Veen » February 13, 2022, 2:49 pm

Lander, we are unsure if your statement about the suspect being low HP was an exaggeration or a result of you panicking due to being reported, but either way, we can all agree that this did not help. You should know that every word written on reports is taken into consideration, so while hoping there wouldn't be any future reports on your name, we'd recommend that you take time to sort out your ideas which would allow you to properly defend yourself.

As for the main purpose of this report, We received a video that shows clearly swat members confronting the suspect on the roof before they turn to [Lsrcr]Mahmoud. However, we'd like to mention that even if the video mentioned above wasn't provided, this report would've been dismissed considering the circumstances of the situation. Your videos clearly show swat members arriving at the scene before you and we can also see the suspect shooting them which is fair enough to know they were actively in a fight.

We do not encourage Law enforcement officer's reporting each other for this offense, but a fair stealing suspect case would need a strong footage of you being actively on a fight and making efforts to take the suspect down for a long duration until another leo show up in the last moments to to take the reward.

Report dismissed.

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